
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm Blessed!

Blessing for today: no chemo treatment - hooray! It's actually next week.

Oh, give thanks to Yahweh, for He is good, and his mercy endures forever!
I Chron. 16:34, 2 Chron. 20:21, Ps. 106:1, Ps. 107:1, et. al.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A quick update: I've had 14 radiation treatments and two chemotherapy treatments so far; my third treatment is scheduled for Tuesday, June 8. For a long time, I slept all day, which was such a blessing! Now I can hardly sleep at all due to a dry cough that has been with me for several weeks, and has gotten progressively worse.Am going for a blood transfusion this morning