
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Counting to Pentecost...

I am counting. Counting the days to Pentecost, written about in Acts Chapter 2, in which the believers were all gathered in one place, there were tongues of fire seen, the sound of a rushing wind was heard, and men were confused about hearing others talking miraculously in their own languages.

Pentecost is also a Biblical Holiday, or Feast Day, a festival given by God ("...these are My appointed times,..." says the Lord in Leviticus 23:2). In Hebrew it is called Shavuot, or "Weeks".

Leviticus 23:15    And you shall count to you from the next day after the sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete.   :16  To the next day after the seventh sabbath you shall number fifty days.

The sabbath mentioned here is during the week of Passover, or the feast of Unleavened Bread. The counting of the fifty days to Pentecost / Shavuot starts there.

This year I am using a special calendar for counting to Pentecost (Shavuot):

It's from a great resource book for families by Sue Mortimer, A Complete Guide to Celebrating Our Messiah in the Festivals. 

The book is loaded with information, craft ideas, songs, games, family discussions, and in this section, a fun recipe for cheese blintzes - yum! Available from Eagle's Wings Educational Materials.

Yesterday, April 17th, was my birthday, and I want to thank everyone for their birthday wishes and special gifts of love. I had a very special day!

Wow, the colors, fragrances and busyness of spring! Rachel says the pear trees have lots of fruit; the lilacs have bloomed, we had some in the house (the fragrance was wonderful!); the irises are starting to open and the peonies are coming up. Indian Paintbrush is everywhere, the spirea bush in front of my house looks like a bride's train, friends have planted raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and flowers in the front garden box; Rachel is planning vegetables in the boxes out back. We have had a gentle rain over the weekend, and the plants are all taking on a fresh vitality. I feel so blessed, to be able to experience it all. Thank you, Heavenly Father!

(Hos 6:3)  And let us know, eagerly strive to know the LORD, His going forth is sure as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth.'

I am scheduled for a heart test this Friday the 23rd; chemotherapy is tentatively scheduled to begin the 27th.

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